Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vacation Part Three

 Wednesday was another low key day. We slept in and ran some errands.  For dinner Zach got my mom and Ricky to give the Bologna and onion sandwiches a try. After dinner we went to Megan and Holly's solo ensemble concert. 

Thursday was Disneyland day number two. This time we went with my mom and dad, Holly and Ricky. It was a party!

 We really enjoyed the new Toy Story ride. It is like a huge video game where every one is competing against each other. I think Zach and my dad got the highest scores.

Ricky and I watched every ones stuff while they went one the Wild Rapids ride. I was just not in the mood to be soaked like Zach. Haha.

Over in Disneyland we went to a Hillbilly show. I haven't laughed so hard in a while. I definitely recommend taking the time to see it.

Before we went home after our long day of fun we watched Disneyland's water and firework shows.

Friday was another relaxing day. We did a long puzzle and went to the beach. There must have been a school of fish going past the pier because every one was catching tons of these tiny fish.  

 And of course we had to enjoy some In-N-Out while we were there.

We ended the week with marshmallows roasted over a fire in the back yard. We really enjoyed just kicking back and chatting.

 Saturday was the long drive home. We stopped in Provo to visit Kimberly and Paige and chat it up a bit. But now its time to get ready for spring semester. Yay!


Hesses Madhouse said...

Fun times! LOVIN' that you have a blog! Why didn't I know this? So great to get to catch up with your life a bit. Lovin' the new do, btw.

Zach and Sara Allen said...

Haha thanks! It has just recently started to be something worth talking about.

April said...

Thanks for the fun! Come back when you can stay a while longer will ya? That visit just went WAY TOO fast. Love ya.