Friday, October 21, 2011

Three Years Ago

October, three years ago, Zach took me on our first date. 
I had so much fun as we picked out a pumpkin and then carved it. I actually remember the only time he touched me was when he put a hand on my back to say my pumpkin carving skills were the greatest he had ever seen and our awkward hug. Zach doesn't remember the hug being awkward. I just remember not knowing how to hug someone so much taller than me. Okay I was a little intimidated by his good looks. That's always when awkward happens.

This is the first pumpkin we carved together. And our lovely boy-friend girl-friend selves.

And here we are just a mere three years later. We spent our Friday night sipping our Dr.Peppers, munching on Burger King burgers and watching 'Clash of The Titans'. It is sure good to be married. I am so grateful for all the memories we have been able to make these past few years. I am even more excited for the eternity of memories and adventures yet to come.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Preview of the pillow project:

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