Sunday, October 30, 2011

Green Reception

Friday, Zach and I went to a reception for Alan Green and his new wife Heidi. Alan was one of Zach's friends from St. Ignatius and one of McKays cousins, so we all got to hang out.
(Can we just address how cute a dad McKay is? He just loves showing off Brinlee.)

After the ring ceremony and dinner Zach and his buddies from High School, along with their wives, headed to the get away car to do some damage. Well, nothing serious, just writing on every window and filled to the brim with green balloons.

It was so much fun watching Zach reconnect with his friends. I loved their wives which made everything so much more enjoyable. I really would love to stay in touch with all of them. Zach kind of has good taste in people, guess that is one of the reasons I love him so much.

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