Monday, November 18, 2013

Eager Anticipation

It was Wednesday, October 30th.
Elder Brock Allen would be flying into Great Falls Montana that very night. One brother, a sister, a sister-in-law, and one new niece headed up the 1-15 from Utah to Montana to welcome him home. Our stomachs were all a flutter as we cruised on that day. Not only were we about to be reunited with our best friend, but it was a surprise. To Brocks knowledge Paige was in Utah until the weekend working, and Zach, Me and baby Anna were living in New York planing to see him over Christmas. Oh how clever we felt as we talked about what kind of reactions he might have. We all knew, no matter what, tears would be shed by all.


We waited at the airport in eager anticipation. We stayed hidden off to the side to really drive home our surprise. When we saw him walk off the plane to give the family he expected to see hugs, we could barely stand it. The minute he turned around Paige went running and the little Zach Allen family followed. It was a sweet reunion. The look on his face was priceless. The smiles were endless, the surprise was evident, and tears of joy were shed.


Welcome home Brock, we're so glad you're home.

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