Monday, December 29, 2014


We began Christmas morning finishing up Ricky'e Eagle Scout Project by passing out gifts at the Utah Developmental Center with friends and family. We caroled, walked through the snow, gave hugs and gifts and had a great time. We came home for a warm breakfast and sat around the tree to open gifts. This is the largest group to ever sit around this tree. My parents and all of my siblings were home plus a cousin, a boyfriend, and my little family making 11 total! It was such a fun time and I was glad to be surrounded by such a fun and good lookin' group. Anna scored with a home made and original cradle (designed and built by Grandpa Rich). It came with a doll which she makes sure to take with here everywhere.
This year we each picked a Christlike attribute as the theme of our stocking suffers and i loved the thoughtful gifts that everyone picked. It helped keep Christ in Christmas and brought out everyone's creative side.

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